#1 Loretta - SOLD to Daniel
Loretta is a smart girl who always knows what is going on. She has a muscular build and playful temperament. She's a spunky girl who isn't scared of anything. Her light brown coloring is one we've not seen in our litters.
#2 Roy - SOLD to Renee
This big guy wants to be close to what's going on, like his daddy. He is very relational, always wanting to be right beside us. He will be a great buddy. He gets his seal coat (black with some brown shades) also from his dad. We like to call him "Big Boy Roy."
#3 Patsy - SOLD to Elvyn
She is a confident girl who loves to explore and play with her siblings. She's laid back, but she sure won't let her brothers and sisters get away with much. She's got a good build with a beautiful seal coat. Her laid-back and fun-loving temperament will win you over.
#4 Wynonna - SOLD to Nancy
We've nicknamed this one "baby girl" but don't let that name fool you. She's determined to escape from her pen and is full of spunk. She gets her brindle coat from her mom, as well as her playfulness. When she's tired she looks for a buddy to snuggle with.
#5 Willie - SOLD to Becky
This is one sweet dude. We call him "Chilly Willie" and is totally comfortable with whatever happens--being carried around, playing with his siblings, or meeting new people. He's a confident guy and lots of fun.
#6 Dolly - SOLD to Katrina
She is a sweet girl who was our first to walk. She is trusting and comfortable, loves to fall asleep in our arms. She's laid back until it comes to playing tug, and her spunk comes out. She has her dad's seal and white coat, and his steady temperament.
Our dogs are purebred bulldogges registered with the IOEBA. We can trace our puppies' lineage back over four generations of purebred dogs. Our goal is to produce healthy, family dogs. Our pups are socialized, very used to our three young boys playing with them, and have begun the potty training process. They have been thoroughly examined by a licensed veterinarian and are up to date on all worming and vaccinations. They come with a 1 year health guarantee (see contract for details). If you would like more information or to come see the pups, please contact us.